Isle of Swods by Wayne Thomas Batson: Student Review by Erica

isleIsle of Swords is a legendary pirste mystery that will keep you hungry for more. On a treasure hunt for a treasure that will give you riches beyond your wildest dreams! The down side of it is three teams commited to searching for this vast popular craze. Captain Declan Ross along with his fiesty daughter Anne lead their crew to free them of stealing with guilt. While they are searching, their mortal enemy Captain Bartholomew Thorne and his ship of nasty pirates are ruthless and will stop at nothing to gain this powerful object. Even if it means he will have to kill and slit throats to get his way. A young man at the age of sixteen wakes up alone on a sandy shore with a rare diamond. He sets out to find his identity. With a heartracing story and incredible detail, this book will literally suck you in to an adventure you didn’t know you were a part of.

The Old Motel Mystery by Gertrude Warner: Student Review by Beatrice

oldThe Old Motel Mystery is very interesting. You go on an adventure with the Boxcar Children, Henry, Jessie, Violet and Benny. The old motel is not kept up very good, so the Boxcar Children help making it nicer. However, there is a prowler that sometimes sneaks around at night. But it turns out to be one of the guests that come to the old motel. The reason the prowler did it is because they wanted the motel to shut down. The real owner is Kay.
The prowler gives the children AWESOME things to eat. Then she asks questions and hurrys out in a rush. The prowler once droped her bag and some letters fell out. She tried to pick them up quickly, however Violet wanted to help and was faster.
Then she saw it. The address was: Ms. Kay something.
Then near the end, the prowler dresses like a painter. When she is caught, she has a meeting with Ms. Kay and they work it out quickly. Ms. Kay said that she would NOT call the Police instead, she said to leave IMMIDATELY.
Then the Boxcar Children’s aunt came to pick them up.

The Genius Files: Mission Unstoppable by Dan Gutman

Dan Gutman’s book, The Genius Files, is the first of what looks like a new thriller adventure series. Genious 12 year old twins Coke and Pepsi McDonald (yes, those really are their names) join their parents on an RV cross-country trip visiting the Spam museum, escaping harm in some sand dunes and deciphering geniuscodes that lead them to places like The World’s Largest Ball of Twine and The House on the Rock. Gutman includes sidebar notes with information the reader can use to track the trip using GoogleMaps. If you are a Gutman fan, or liked the 39 Clues series, then you will definitely want to read this!

The Candy Shop War by Brandon Mull: Student Review by Erica

candyThe Candy Shop Wars had me hooked from the very beginning to the very last page of this book! About kids who get magical powers from candy, these kids go on multiple adventures. The “Blue Falcons” is a club that gets drawn in by Mrs. White, an elderly woman who claims she wants to know about her past but secretly is looking for a treasure that could endanger the world. Who can they trust? Mrs. White or another magician, Mr. Stott? What about the guy in black who always is following them? Is he on their side or working for Mrs. White like that large orange glob shooting guy? Or helping Mr. Stott along with Flatman, the human pancake face fish? I loved this book and recomend it to kids in 3rd grade or up! Enjoy this mind boggling mystery/science fiction!

Leepike Ridge by N.D. Wilson

Reviewed as an original mix of Robinson Crusoe, King Solomon’s Mines, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and the Odyssey, Leepike Ridge is a survival adventure story that will take you do the depths of the earth! Eleven-year-old Thomas Hammond is in for the ride of his life when he is swept downstream and underground aboard a raft of styrofoam. Murderous treasure hunters and a sarcophagus will take you on a journey through the dark of the grave and back out into the light!!! Book Review by Mrs. Kalbfleisch

The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket: Student Review by Sarah

the bad beginning
My book is called the Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket.  It is about these three children called Violet, Klaus and Sunny, the little baby.  Their parents have died in a terrible fire and their house has burned down.  They are orphans.  If you want to read a story where nothing ever good happens and there isn’t a happy ending, you will LOVE this book!

Zoobreak Book Student Review by Emma

zoobreakZoobreak by Gordon Korman
If you are reading this, you might have read my book review on Swindle. Now you are reading My book review on Zoobreak, by Gordon Korman. This book has the same charactors but only metionds Swindle once or twice. In other words I wouldn’t call it a prequel, but you should read Swindle before Zoobreak. Savannah’s pet monkey, Cleopatra goes missing, Griffen suspects it just ran away. That is until they go on a fieldtrip to All Aboard Animals, A crummy floating zoo, and sees a monkey that looks like Cleo. Griffen and Savannh suspects that Mr. Naste (a.k.a Mr. Nasty) is a thief. Once again Griffen and the team aquire, danger, two Zoobreaks, a wild owl, and a bunch of poor animals.

Swindle: Student Review by Emma

swindleSwindle by Gordon Korman
Swindle is about a boy named Griffen, who finds a rare babe ruth baseball card. A mean collector, S. Wendell Palimino, tells him it’s a fake and gives him $200, tricking him out of the card.Soon, Griffen finds out that he was tricked out of the card. Griffen is determined to get the card back, and with a group of friends, and an enemy, Griffen sets out to get the card, even if it means getting past two guard dogs, a high-tech security system, and a frozen turkey. i hope you have fun reading Swindle!!!