Skyping with the Miller Brothers, authors of The Codebearers Series

Today Mrs. Kalbfleisch’s third, fourth, fifth, and sixth sixth grade library classes  skyped with authors Christopher and Allan Miller.  The “Miller Brothers” are the authors of the Codebearers novel series, Mech Mice and Heroes of Promise Series.

Instead of having the author come to our school, we visited with them virtually.
After about 30 minutes, our time was up! It was a great first Author Skype experience! Thank you Miller Brothers for visiting the Cubs Library ! If you are looking for any of the books written by the Miller Brothers we have the complete series for check out in the library.

You can also link to their website here.

We’re getting ready to Skype with the Miller Brothers!

Plans are underway for our very first author skype! Christoher and Allan Miller, authors of The Codebearers Series, Genesis Strike, and Heroes of Promise Series will be our first guests! Only students who have turned in written questions will be allowed to interview the Miller Brothers.
Add your question to the “comment” portion of this entry OR turn in your question to Mrs. Kalbfleisch as soon as possible.
In the meantime, enjoy this fun clip from Hunter Brown and the Secret of the Shadow!