Marcel Marceau, Master of Mime by Gloria Spielman

New title to our school library, Marcel Marceau, Master of Mime by Gloria Spielman.  In library we learned  how, from the age of five, Marcel Marceau knew he wanted to be a silent actor, just like Charlie Chapline.  When World War II intervened, he joined the resistance, helping to get young Jews to safety during this dangerous time.  But Marcel never forgot his dream of being a mime artist and entertaining the world.
We watched a newscast of Marcel, Charlie Chaplin and current mime which I am hoping inspired our kids to perform in next years school talent show!



Student Review by Sarah: Duke written by Kirby Larson

dukeDuke by Kirby Larson: World War 2 has just begun, and Hobie Hanson’s dad ships out to fight the Germans. Although Hobie is doing a lot to help the US Army, he’s being pressured to donate Duke, his German Shepherd, to an organization called Dogs for Defense. Hobie gives in. After Duke is sent away, Hobie wishes that Duke was still at home and tries everything to get him back. No such luck. Will Hobie ever see his dog again? More importantly, will his dad survive the war?

ALA Winners for 2012

 On Monday, January 23rd, the American Library Association announced the winners of the Newbery, Caldecott and other book awards.

In the children’s book world, this is like the Academy Awards of books. Librarians get pretty excited about the announcement and try for weeks ahead of time to predict the winners. 
Here are the winners for 2012 and ready for you to checkout!!!
John Newbery Medal – for the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children.

Newbery Honor Winners

Randolph Caldecott Medal– to the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children.

Caldecott Honor Winners-


Escape on the Underground Railroad by Nancy LeSourd: Student Review by Marianna

Product Details
This book is so amazing! Yes it is a historical fiction so you can do it for your book report (like i did =).  It is based in 1859 the time of the Underground Railroad. Two couragous teens, Hannah and Sarah, help many familys get to Canada so they can be free from slavary! Throghout the book Hannah and Sarah write back and forth in letter. Hannah lives in one of the biggest slave states, Virginia, Goose Creek, Virginia to be excect! Sarah lives in a free state, Philidalphia, Pennsylvannia.  Enjoy this adventrous book!