Research lessons in the library!

In the next month or so first and second graders will be learning how to use an Atlas, Dictionary, Glossary and Encylopedia.   

I have also been teaching a research lesson to third, fourth, and fifth grades. In the lesson we cover what books to use in the Media Center for research (reference books and non-fiction books) as well as online reference sources to use including kid-friendly search engines, the online catalog, reference sites and fact sites. We also learn how to decide if a website is good to use or not by evaluating it, and why it is important to evaluate a website. We addressed biographies for third grade and Washington State for fourth grade.

 This is a handout that I also gave out to the third, fourth, and fifth grade classes that included information and websites covered in the research lessons.

Chronicling America:Using Digitized Historic Newspapers

Using the Chronicling America site has been great fun. I discovered that the Weather Service has already celebrated 150 years. I learned how maps were made in previous years. Click on this link to find interesting facts about Washington State!
You can read historic Washington State which links to the Chronicling America Project.   The Chronicling America Newspaper Project is a joint partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress National Digital Newspaper Program. The Library of Congress site has digitized newspapers from every state.
Click on the links below to find other interesting facts about Washington State!