All Books due Monday, May 2nd!

It’s been a GREAT year!  We’ve had fun with “Backpack Buddies”, “The Great Gumball Challenge”, lots and lots of new books, “Under the Big Top Book Fair”, “Cotton Candy Day” AND THE CUBS LIBRARY BLOG!
The library is closed for checkout but the Public Library is always open! Add your book recommendations under comments!!!
Enjoy your summer!!!

January’s Character Quality: Truthfulness

January’s character quality is “truthfulness”.   Truth is authenticity and the opposite of lying. Truth has many benefits, including freeing you from the power of sin. Proverbs 12:22 tells us that the Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful. Remember the story of Daniel from the Bible? Daniel told the truth which landed him in the lion’s den! But Daniel had faith that he if told the truth, God would bless him. And God did bless him! Telling the whole truth, telling the truth even though you might be punished, or even telling the truth even when no one will ever know the truth but you delights the Lord!

Generosity: December’s Character Quality

December’s character quality is “generosity”.
Tis’ the season of generosity and good will toward mankind. Do you remember the Christmas classic “It’s a Wonderful Life”? This movie continually reminds me of the joy of the season, the kindness of strangers and the generosity of spirit. The gift of generosity can be wrapped and presented many different ways. Your time, donations, a gift of money, your actions and words.
The underlying principal of being generous is love. While this seems so simple it is often times hard to achieve. Through the year we work hard and we are busy. We have so much to do that it is easy to become consumed by the daily tasks of our lives. We forget the values that ground us. The holidays help us to slow down a bit. Crazy I know. But think about it, we slow down to enjoy the company of family and friends, decorate our homes, celebrate, play, share a meal and participate in activities that we don’t normally have throughout the rest of the year. This time of year helps us to renew and refocus attention on our most important values.
Seven Tips to Generosity
1) Be generous with kind words- All too often words of praise and encouragement get replaced with those of judgment and ridicule. Both approaches are powerful. One that tears down and one that builds up. Giving encouragement with words is one of the most powerful tools you can use. Watch your relationships and interactions transform into something positive when offering kind words. Remember what Ned taught us when we practiced saying positive words to each other!
2) Random acts of kindness -It might be holding the door open for a friend, baking an apple pie for your neighbor or cleaning up someone’s mess that isn’t yours in the lunchroom! Those acts of kindness will brighten someone’s day and maybe they will pay it forward.
3) Write a thank you note – In the age of the internet, social network sites, and text messaging a hand written note or card is a thing of the past. Or is it? The thoughtfulness of taking time to put your appreciation on paper goes a long way.
4) Check your attitude – being in the presence of a positive attitude can brighten a person’s day and it is contagious. What is your attitude saying?
5) Volunteer – There are a multitude of areas you can help out in your community, whether working with older adults, the food bank, or raking a neighbor’s leaves!
6) Apologize- Acknowledging that you have offended or hurt someone may allow healing to begin by leaving the door open for forgiveness.
7) Listen -Taking the time to listen to a friend or family member or someone you just met is one of the most generous things you can do. You might find out something that helps to foster a stronger relationship.

Pollyanna by Eleanor Porter: A Story Of Gratefulness

For the month of November “gratefulness” is our school character quality. When we think of gratefulness we also think of thankfulness and thanksgiving. Pollyanna, by Eleanor Porter, is a great example of being thankful for the circumstances we are in. Pollyanna is an eleven-year-old orphan who comes to live with her austere and wealthy Aunt Polly. Pollyanna’s father was a pastor and had taught her the “glad” game”. Pollyanna’s philosophy of gladness brings happiness to her aunt and other unhappy members of the community, especially after she experiences a disastrous fall and could be paralyzed for life!!!

Leepike Ridge by N.D. Wilson

Reviewed as an original mix of Robinson Crusoe, King Solomon’s Mines, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and the Odyssey, Leepike Ridge is a survival adventure story that will take you do the depths of the earth! Eleven-year-old Thomas Hammond is in for the ride of his life when he is swept downstream and underground aboard a raft of styrofoam. Murderous treasure hunters and a sarcophagus will take you on a journey through the dark of the grave and back out into the light!!! Book Review by Mrs. Kalbfleisch